Audrey Shih

Doctoral Candidate

Columbus, Ohio

B.S.E. Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, 2020.

Research Focus

Abscess drainage is challenging due to the viscoelastic behavior of the fluid. To improve understanding of the rheological properties of abscess fluids from different biological tissues, we have constructed a portable magnetic interfacial rheometer. This new instrument is easy to transport and utilizes disposable and inexpensive components, allowing for sterile and immediate measurements. A magnetic plate on the surface of the fluid sample is moved by a magnetic force generated by a pair of coils, and the resulting plate motion relative to the applied force allows the determination of the relative viscous and elastic contributions. Our preliminary results provide novel insight into abscess fluid properties from different biological tissues, and guide potential chemical treatments or development of personalized tubing to simplify drainage. This instrument’s applications can be extended to rheological studies of other biological fluids.

Outside of lab, Audrey plays clarinet in the Stanford Symphony Orchestra and piano for fun, and likes to jam with friends. She is the GSAC Social Chair and Community Associate in EVGR-D, and enjoys watching action movies, doing arts and crafts, and eating all the good food the Bay Area has to offer.